I found “Spring” in the garden

060307beach001_1Today it was warm, the weather forcast on TV said that Today’s temperature is the end of March and it will be warmer tomorrow.

When I went to the beach young people were there and they were feeling the strong wind holding their hands like this photo.
Yes, we had really strong wind today. When I was in the beach I couldn’t open my eyes, because the strong wind flied sand.

By the way I found the spring on the way to my home from my daughte’s school……..

060307fukinotou001_1Have you ever seen this ?

This is "Fukinotou" in Japanese, "Japanese Butterbur Stark" in English.

I found this butterbur in the garden of my daughter’s friend.
We, Japanese can feel the spring if we find it.

In Izu peninsula the full bloom of Kawazu Sakura will finish soon, and we can see many kinds of flowers of Spring in every places.

In adittion the ceremony of graduation will take a place after 2 weeks.

Yes, the spring has come !