Big Wave in Shirahama Beach !!

060312bigwave001_1My son, Yuuki, could get a good condition this morning, but my daughters caught a cold instead of him.

They had high fever, had loose bowels, and vomited many times like my son last night.

I hope they will have good condition soon.

By the way I took this photo yesterday in Shirahama. It was really high and big wave.

So some surfers had been challenging toward these waves……

060312bigwave002_1Can you see a surfer in this photo ?

Please click this photo to see it.

Do you know how high this wave is ?

I think it is 5 or 6 times of human.

There were many people who were watching their challenge, and when one of surfers could get on the wave, they were shouting.

It really seemed the promotion video of the professional surefers, which was taken in Hawaii or somewhere else.