Author Archives: izusakuraya

2019/06/13 Shirahama Beach Today

It was sunny and very hot here in Shirahama Today.

Today we had a physical checkup by Shimoda city at community center next to Shirahama shrine and the reception desk was opened between 13:00 and 15:00.

However guests arrived at 14:45, so I run to get there after a long time. I may have muscle pain tomorrow.

2019/06/02 Hydrangea Festival in Shimoda

I took these photos in our field today.

Yesterday Ajisai Matsuri (Hydrangea Festival) started in Shimoda. There are a lot of hydrangea trees with more than 3 million blossoms. Now it’s about 30% blooming and they say the best timing to see is the middle of June…

By the way, these photos were taken a long time ago.

It’s a sweet memories of my children….

My son is now 14 years old…..