We went to Shirahama shrine for the first time of this year to pray our health after check out yesterday.

We went to Shirahama shrine for the first time of this year to pray our health after check out yesterday.
We had heavy rain here in Shirahama yesterday, but it was sunny today. We set up carp streamer for the child day on May 5th.
We went to Shirahama shrine to pray our health and safety as our first visit of the new year.
My son who will be high school student in April will have to go to the school by bike himself, but he has never gone to the school by bike. So we took a cycling to the school through the town of Shimoda this afternoon.
We had a little west wind but it was beautiful and very warm here in Shimoda today. We had a great cycling looking over the gorgeous sea.
As my daughter who lives in Kanagawa prefecture went back her home today we went to the nearest shrine together as usual before check in time.
Our family makes a first visit of the new year to this Shirahama shrine every year. As it was the 4th day of this new year there were not so many people there.
I took these photos in our field today.
Yesterday Ajisai Matsuri (Hydrangea Festival) started in Shimoda. There are a lot of hydrangea trees with more than 3 million blossoms. Now it’s about 30% blooming and they say the best timing to see is the middle of June…
By the way, these photos were taken a long time ago.
It’s a sweet memories of my children….
My son is now 14 years old…..
As we had been very busy during Golden Week we had one day holiday for our family and went to Mishima city to watch movie and restaurant.
My son was completely satisfied to watch movie and to eat his favorite hamburg steak!
It was cloudy today. As my wife and I had to go to Ohito in Izu city we drove over the Amagi mountains. We run through the old Amagi tunnel on the way home after a long time.
To tell the truth, my wife is not good at driving and also she doesn’t have confidence in herself. So she can not drive by herself on the route which she has never driven. However, my son will have a basket ball games in Izu city over Amagi mountains on next Saturday and my wife will have to drive by herself. Because we will have some guests on that day and I will have to stay at our house.
That’s why I drove my car to show her the route to go to the place where the games will take place…..
My wife and I used to be a professional ballet dancers long time ago. Today she had a performance on the stage in Shimoda. As she has a little pain of the knee she was not able to put on the toe shoes.
We started practice for this concert in last March and will have a stage on March 16th Saturday in Shimoda. More than 100 people will participate this concert and practicing now.
I still have some tickets for this concert now. If you are interested in Mozart Missa in C, please let me know!