Category Archives: nature

2012/11/16 Sunny day again!

121116beach01This morning I walked around the mountain behind Sakuraya for an hour and took streching for 40 minutes.

Actually I have been on a diet since last July and could reduce my weight by 8kg at last.

I'm very happy, but will try to do it more!

Walking under the sunshine make me happy!!


2012/09/14 Sunrise on the Pacific Ocean

120914sunrise01120914sunrise02"What time is the sunrise tomorrow morning?"

Last night our customers asked me.

"It will be 5:26 AM."

So they woke up early this morning and went to the beach to take photos.

When they had the breakfast I asked them to show me the photos which they took this morning.

The photos were very beautiful!

So I asked them to send it to me by e-mail and I posted their photos on this web blog.

In this season we are very busy so it is difficult for me to walk on the beach in ealy morning, but I want to do it!!

Pension Sakuraya in Shimoda, Japan