Daily Archives: 2006年3月27日

Kinmedai kamameshi

060327kamameshi001_1Shimoda is very famous for fresh fishes.

Especially this Shimoda’s fish "Kinmedai"in Japanese, "Alfonsino" in English, is most famous in Japan.

That’s why we started to sereve this meal "Kinmedai Kamameshi" as a dinner’s menu from this month until the end of April.
I can’t explane it in English well, but it means alfonsino, rice and vegitables are cooked with soysauce, sake in a ball.
This is Japanese traditional cooking.
Why don’t you order this ?

The price for 2 people would be 2,000 yen as a extra charge.

Itado port and Chuuou beach

060327itado001_3Yesterday our guest asked me that he is looking for a beach which he watched in a TV program and at the Osak train station.

So I went to take pictures for him today.

This is one of them "Itado port" in the north area of Shirahama.
There are many ships for fishing of Japanese spiny lobstar, top shell, squid, jack mackerel, alfonsino and etc…. .

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