Monthly Archives: March 2007

Blue Sky Blue Sea and Beautiful beach, Shirahama

It was really beautiful day, today after 1 week.

After graduation of my daughter’s primary school I went to the beach with my son.

We could see Izu Oshima island cleary.

When we got to the beach my son started to run on the white sand.

The children love a big field and run around.

After that my son and I went to the Mihogasaki cape to take picutres…..

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A Beautiful Sunrise in Shirahama

When I was sleeping I heard a sound of something, puuuuuun, puuuuuuunn…

The clock said 4:30am. So I continued to sleep and then …..

"Oh, my gash !!"

Yes, I was bitten by mosquito.

"Where are youuuuuu !?"

While I was looking for this mosquito it made me waked up at last.

It was 5:30am.

But when I saw outside the sun was rising up on the ocean.

So I desided to go to the beach to take pictures. …….

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