Kawazu Sakura Festival

060210kawazusakura002From today, February 10th, "Kawazu Sakura Festival" is held in Kawazu town until March 10th.

I usually go to shopping to Shimoda, but today, I went to the supermarket in Kawazu town and saw this festival with my son, Yuuki.

In order to the information of Kawadu Sakura blooming , that I found through the internet, almost of every trees did not have Sakura bloomed.
After walking wiht my son I found one of trees, that had the flower of Sakura…

060210kawazusakura001Have you ever seen the tree of Sakura "Someiyoshino"?

The color of Someiyoshino is white and pink mixed and this flower bloom in April in Japan.

But that of Kawazu Sakura is really pink and bloom from February.

In Kawazu town there are about 8,000 trees at many places, and over 1 million people come to this town during this festival.

That’s why I prefer the same sakura in Minami Izu town. We can see the flowers without crowded.

060210yuuki001_1By the way this is my son, Yuuki walking along the river.

He became to walk very well by himself recently.

However it is baby walk.

He is very cute !!

The photographs of Kawazu Sakura in our photo gallery
Kawazu Sakura Festival (Japanese only)
Kawazu Sakura Festival in Minami Izu town (Japanese only)