Monthly Archives: August 2006

Blue sky, Blue sea and …..

It was very beautiful day in Shirahama today !

During summer we can’t see clear sky and blue sea many times, so they were lucky today.

I took this picture on the way to Shimoda for shopping, but there were a lot of people today too.

When I was taking pictures I found white clouds in the sky ……

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It was a picture that I took 3 days ago…..

Yes, when I went to Shimoda for shopping I took these picture at Shirahama beach.
Actually I was going to post it soon but we are very busy and tired every day in summer, so I couldn’t do it.

Well, in spite of that Obon holidays were over there were a lot of people in the beach.

I took this picture in front of Family Mart.

I am showing you the another picture which I took on Route 135……

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Traffic Jam in Izu Peninsula !

"I have been coming to Shimoda every summer these 20 years, but it was first time to have an experience of the big traffic jam in Shimoda."

"It usually takes about 15 minutes by car from Kawazu town to Shirahama, but took 2 hours today !"

Our guest who arrived at Sakuraya this morning said so.

"Walking was faster than driving on route 135 today."

Today was Sunday, during Obon holidays and beautiful summer day, that’s why they had a traffic jam. …..

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Before a storm it was the best blue sky today !!

Today it was a very beautiful day !

When I was working I found the blue sky, so I went outside and took this picture standing on the roof of Sakuraya’s building.

Actually I wanted to go to the beach to take beautiful sea, but I was very busy today.

Our guest who came back from the beach said,
" It was excellent the blue sea under the blue sky !!"

In the summer we can not see a beautiful sky like today, because it is misty even if it is sunny.

By the way the typhoon is coming toward Japan, it  was a calm before  a storm, I think.

Prohibited to swim today

"It is prohibited to swim today, so we came back."

Our guest who went to the beach this moring said so.

"Let’s go to the beach to check the condition !"

I went to the beach with my children after job.

When I saw the sea from the 2nd floor of Family Mart I could see a looooooot of people and fog over there.

We have many foggy days this summer, because the temparature of water is colder than usual……

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Good Helper, Yuuki !!

One of my daughter’s jobs of this summer is cleaning up the bath.

Yuuki is always following after his sisters and wants to do same things.

So when she started to clean up the bath he did it too. So she teaches him how to do it.

By the way yuuki’s job is ……

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Tatado Beach in Shimoda

My daughters, Akari and Hikari caught a cold at last.
Because it had been a little cold in these days in the last weekend.

So I took them to the hospital in Shimoda.

After that I went to Tatado Beach to take pictures.

Today it was very hot here in Shimoda, so I could see a lot of people in this beach….. .

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